Tag Archives: Groove

J Doll: Welcome, Marche!

Bonjour, mes ami(e)s! Today’s post is a review of another one of my Christmas gifts from Ghouliette–my first J-Doll. J-Dolls are new to me; I only recently discovered them through Ghouliette’s recommendation. But she has been collecting them for awhile, and thanks to her, I’m hooked. The J-Doll Groove collection dolls all represent different famous streets or neighborhoods (or shopping districts) in various cities all over the world. This doll is Marche, and she personifies a street in France. But I can’t find which city or town. Marseilles, perhaps? Maybe a seaside town, given her nautical attire.


Each J-Doll comes in a shiny, shiny box.

The main thing that attracts me to J-Dolls is their incredibly detailed wardrobes. Each doll comes with elaborate clothes, with several pieces and accessories. They can work a stripped down, casual look or wear everything at once for a more sophisticated, put-together look. Marche is dressed like a sailor; she wears flared navy blue slacks with white stripes down the front, with suspenders. She wears a sailor blouse with puffed 3/4 sleeves, black and white socks and silver pumps. She comes with a jacket that matches the blouse, accented with red piping and buttons, and a jaunty red beret. She has a blue and white duffel bag, too. Marche has a tiny heart pendant on an elastic string. This did not thrill me as much as the rest of the outfit, and the necklace does not sit flat against the doll; it turns inside-out so the hollowed-out back of the heart shows in front. Meh. There’s so much going on with the outfit so I don’t miss the necklace.

J-Dolls are made by the same company that manufactures Pullips. They have the same body as Pullips but with a normal-sized head, as opposed to the oversized Pullip heads. J-Dolls have real glass eyes rather than eyes that are painted on. Their hair is soft and pretty and evenly cut. Marche wears her honey blonde hair in a very long ponytail.


The clothing is nicely made. The fabrics are substantial, with a good heft to them, and the attention to detail is remarkable. Each doll wears lace undies!



J-Dolls are fully articulated, with joints at the elbows, wrists, knees and waist. Her ankles also bend slightly. Each doll comes with a stand.

J-Dolls are all over Ebay and Amazon, with several older dolls still out there (they’ve changed companies a couple of times over the years).  Marche debuted in 2008, and her box still says JUN Planning on it, the older company. Newer dolls come from Groove, Inc. Their prices vary wildly on Ebay and Amazon. Once I decide which one I want, I do a search just for that doll so I can compare prices. You can find some NRFB in the $30-$40 range, some sellers charge between $50-$70. Some even charge as much as $90-$100+ for discontinued or hard-to-find models. This Marche cost $29.99. There are a lot of sellers in California that carry new J-Dolls, which reduces the shipping time. Some sellers ship priority mail.


Mon Dieu! Can I tell you how much I love zhees beret? Tres magnifique, non?

I think J-Dolls are my newest collecting obsession. I find them to be very charming, they’re hard to resist. They’re pretty, they have pretty hair and killer outfits. What’s not to love? I like how posable they are, and, let’s face it–the camera loves them! I’ve acquired two more J-Dolls since Marche. Old Arbat Street and Gran Via will be joining her sometime in the near future for a photo shoot. Maybe the girls will get together for a tea party.

You’ll be seeing more of Marche and her friends on this blog, for sure. Au bientot!